Sunday, January 24, 2010

Rough night

funny pictures of cats with captions

We've been having some rough nights of sleep lately. I'm not really sure what it is...but it is getting pretty tiring!

I've been trying to have Scott get up and try and soothe M back to sleep. Sometimes it works but sometimes it doesn't and I just end up with two cranky boys on my hands.

I've loaded up my cart with a ton of infant sleep books, so hopefully that should give me some perspective and hopefully some solutions. Luckily, you can buy most of the books used for just a couple of dollars...maybe that should be a hint or something?

Speaking of books, we are studying Romans in my small group bible study. I printed some questions off last night and we had a really good discussion, probably our best ever! It was really fun and gave us a lot to think about. I think we are going to take a class as a group during Lent which should be a nice change of pace. It has been so fun getting hooked up with this small group...such a blessing! They even listen to all my stories about things I heard on NPR or saw on TV since those are pretty much the only things I do these days. :o)

Here is the link for the bible study I found online, just in case you are interested!

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