Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Landscaping project 2010

We've started a big landscaping project this spring and I have a feeling it is going to keep us busy for a while!

Here is the plan:

Step one:

Dig up the grass on the south side of the house and plant a bed of perennials. We want it to look something like this:

How great is this print out? We went to Earl May and they whipped this up for us, free of charge. Granted, it is nothing super spectacular or original but I still think it is cool!

They even gave us a list of the plants and then took us out the greenhouse so we knew exactly what they looked like.

Step Two:

Dig up the grass and stuff on the north side of the house. This is on a slight hill and it is hard for Scott to mow, so why not make more work for me? Less work for him=more work for me. Funny how that works out, isn't it? :o)

This is going to be a shade garden with lots of hostas. I love the way it looks in this print-out, but I guarantee you I will be planting teeny tiny baby hostas to save money. I saw some great big hostas in the greenhouse and they were $75 a pop! Wow! about 10 years it should look that good. Don't worry, I'll check back in with you then! :o)

Again, they gave us a list of the plants. I'm not sure if I will use a pattern of the same hostas or do a patchwork-quilt type garden of different types of hostas. Decisions, decisions.

And just for fun and because I know you were dying to see it:

Here is an aerial view of our house and yard! It was taken 2 years ago by google maps and it was when we were first trying to get the grass to grow. I can assure you that now it is mostly grass, not mostly dirt like this photo shows. We should petition google maps to come take another photo! :o)

So, that is plan...we'll see what actually comes of it!


  1. We got some tiny hostas from a friend last year (she was splitting them) and they grew huge over the summer! I wouldn't even spend any money on them if you know someone who is willing to split their's.

    I like the plan, something the hubs and I have to do this year too!

  2. Do you hire out? I've got an area that I want to redo in our yard by the driveway and also on the south side of the house. I'll take Michael and Bowen for the day. :)

  3. oh, i wish i had a green thumb!
    (by the way, i drive by your house a lot to go to the in-laws, and always admire it - i just now realized it's yours!)


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