Friday, May 3, 2013


Happy Friday!

Wow, this has been quite a week. It was beautiful Monday and Tuesday, then snowing Thursday and Friday. 

What a mood shifter. I was sooo grumpy yesterday. The snow, cold temperatures, WIND, and the worst commute all year was just too much for me to handle.  Luckily, things perked up at school and I've been having awesome, awesome days lately. I'm happy that the end of school is in sight but also feeling a little bit lucky that this weather does not make the kids feel too squirrel-y.

It has been an emotional week for me at school, celebrating a coworkers retirement with a fantastic concert. I am so worried that time is just going to keep chugging along and soon that will be me, directing my last concert. I'm having a hard time grasping the fact that after this year I've been teaching for longer than I was in high school and college combined. I feel like I am hitting my stride but still learning new things every day....and having a blast while doing it. 

I'm looking forward to a weekend full of rest and relaxation and I hope you are too!


  1. He is so handsome! And you two look so much alike. Great photos.

    Stopping by from IF.

  2. Love that picture of you and Michael!


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