Friday, February 25, 2011

Wednesday at the Park

Our warm weather from last week sure didn't last very long into this week. We are back into the 30's with some snow last night. However, on Wednesday it was around 38-40 and it felt pretty good with the sun shining so Michael and I headed out for a little bit.

I recently flipped through a copy of "Happiest Toddler on the Block" at the bookstore (I'm waiting for mine to come in at the library, because I am a cheapskate like that) and it said that most toddlers are either overstimulated or understimulated in the house because most toddlers are used to being outside for hours a day. They are like little cavemen or as I like to describe Michael- a monkey boy. This was nice to read because it gave me a little push to try and get Michael outside more especially now that the weather is taking a turn for the better.

We played for about 30 minutes at the playground and Michael had so much fun and I had lots of fun trying to get some good photos of him. We had the place to ourselves but it would be a great spot to meet up with some moms sometime for a little playtime!

"Oh, I am such a big boy!"

Michael's puffy blue coat is getting a little small for him so it's a good thing winter is almost over. I bought it last summer at a really nice garage sale and the mom who sold it to me was almost in tears. She said it was just the cutest for little boys and they had so many memories in it. I understand where she is coming from!

I'm sure we'll have many more fun times at the park this spring and summer but for now I've enjoyed looking at these photos. How can my baby look so big and still so little at the same time?

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