
Februrary: your baptism!

March: Johnny Jump Up provides hours of infant entertainment!

April: Michael is so good at sitting and playing with his toys!

May: Michael learns to stand and get closer to all the things he wants to touch. Scampy's life changes forever.

June: Our first family vacation to South Dakota.

July: 4th of July fun with Aunt Denise!

August: Lots of fun at the park!

September: the start of football season!!

October: Michael turns one!!

November: turning into such a big, silly boy.

December: Michael is such a sweet boy and loves Christmas!

Februrary: your baptism!

March: Johnny Jump Up provides hours of infant entertainment!

April: Michael is so good at sitting and playing with his toys!

May: Michael learns to stand and get closer to all the things he wants to touch. Scampy's life changes forever.

June: Our first family vacation to South Dakota.

July: 4th of July fun with Aunt Denise!

August: Lots of fun at the park!

September: the start of football season!!

October: Michael turns one!!

November: turning into such a big, silly boy.

December: Michael is such a sweet boy and loves Christmas!

What a year!! Lots of changes, for sure. But guess what? 2011 is going to be full of even more changes because...

We are proudly expecting baby #2 due at the end of May!