Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wordy Wednesday opposed to wordless Wednesdays.

I have been feeling pretty blah lately. I think this long winter has finally hit me and I am ready for it to be over with. The inconsistency of snow days and missing school has been hard on me and my students. Adding illness to the mix and missing more days hasn't been great either. It is hard when you are only at school for two days- if you miss one, you've missed half your work week. It is the biggest pain about being part time. Hopefully things will get back on track soon.

This is what my drive normally looks like...I think there has been one day where I've driven to school on clear roads since January. I'm tired of it!! It wasn't snowing, but the wind was blowing all the snow on top of the road and it was freezing with the below zero wind chill. Yay. Hopefully that is cleared up today before I go to work, but I'm not counting it!

(whatever happened to my positive thinking? geeze.)

Scampy knows how I am feeling: he can't even nap in his favorite chair anymore-it's been taken up by other stuff!

Michael has been having a rough go of things lately, which is probably the number one reason for my crankiness. He had a bad day at daycare yesterday and a hard time going to sleep last night. Things had been getting better with the bedtime routine, so maybe this is just a one night relapse.

He has been screaming when he wakes up, not just fussing. It almost makes me think there is something wrong-he also just wants to nurse and nurse. And he seems like he is hungry too, so I really don't know. Don't you think his cheeks look kind of red? I took his temperature, but it was fine. Ideas??

I moved Michael's jump up to the basement so we can both exercise at the same time. It is pretty nice because he will bounce around for a good half hour or so. He thinks watching me do my videos is pretty fun (or funny?).

I have to go to school today for an inservice and I am not very excited about it. My colleague asked me to come early to work on a project with her for a few hours beforehand. She asked me yesterday before I even realized we had an inservice, so that kind of put me in a bind. So...Scott is staying home today to keep Michael but I still need to get on the horn and find someone to do back up daycare for us. I am torn because I hate to send Michael to someone new when being in other people's care is not exactly his forte. I need to check the calendar and see how many days we really have left for professional development-so many have gotten mixed up with all our snow makeup days. Maybe if there aren't too many left, we can swing it without having to take him somewhere else.

Alrighty, I think that is enough from me today! Stay warm out there!

1 comment:

  1. I think every is feeling a little negative about the weather these days! Yesterday I was out with no coat during our brief 30 degree heat wave, and then in an instant, it got gloomy and freezing again! UGH!


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