Friday, June 8, 2012

Finding our groove

Finding a groove when you have a change of schedule is always a hard thing and something I have always struggled with. A new school year, a break, a life always seems like it takes me a while to adjust. We are slowly but surely finding our way with our new summer schedule which is new to us this year because I am keeping Michael home with me every day which I haven't always done in the past. So far, things are working out pretty well.

My days usually start out with the boss man giving me my orders:

(gogurt? check. Toast on tractor plate? check. Fleet of cars movie characters? check. Cute as a button pj's? check, check, check)

...but then the boss man will let me relax for a bit while he does his important work in the sandbox. 

(In case you are wondering, yes, we have worn our new ISU outfit a lot this week! )

Our afternoons are almost always spent on our back patio which has awesome shade after 3 pm. It is a good way to spend a few hours out in the fresh air and not get fried by the sun. I can usually piddle around in the garden while Michael entertains himself. 

An endless source of fascination and entertainment for him is our trusty water hose. It never fails. 

I mostly think most of the fun is him trying to get me wet but luckily I was far enough away to grab these shots and stay dry.

I can't help but smile when I see Michael's face in this series. It is contagious!


  1. Awesome photos of Michael with the hose! That last one captures such a great summer moment!

  2. The water droplets look so cool! Sounds like nice lazy days of summer :-)

  3. Cutest boss ever!!! :)
    I love the first photo where he's giving orders- far too cute. :)


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