Friday, April 10, 2009

Breaking news...

This post will tie the number of posts in March! Yes, I must be feeling extra ambitious today! Actually, I am trying to avoid cleaning the house at all costs. Plus, this is more fun. :o)

So here is the big blog announcement: I'm pregnant!

And to prove it, here is the obligatory pregnancy test shot (and no, it's not gross, don't be alarmed)

Yay! :o)

I also noticed the date of the photo was 2-2-09, so that clarifies my memory on which day we found out. I actually had tested before that, but it totally freaked me out (I had been feeling "off" so I tested early in the morning and didn't wait the correct amount of time so I thew the test away. After my shower I was like, "wait, I should probably double check that!" and then it was just a very very faint line) so I tested again a few days later and the test apparently mis-functioned (is that a word?) because there were no results at all, so then I was really freaked out! So I waited a few more days and bought the expensive digital test and I figured this one was good to go! Man, that pregnancy test business has to be booming! Those things are expensive!!

But just for those of you that are worried, I have been to 2 OB appointments and everything is going very well! I have had no problems at all, and I've heard BK's (baby K) heartbeat two times! It is pretty amazing! :o)

So, stay tuned...and I will keep you posted!


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