Friday, October 9, 2015

One year!

Anna & Brynn are one year old! 

It just seems so surreal to me that we have hit this milestone, that one year has passed since the whirlwind of them entering our lives began. 365 days! Wow! It has been busy but good and we love them so much. 


Brynn often appears a little sassier in photos and can have a silly personality but is often more sensitive. She had trouble with starting daycare and being away from me all day and will cry when she sees other kids getting picked up (like at church) when she isn't being picked up. She also is more clingy when nervous or sick (and has been sick more often). She is still smaller than Anna but it is harder to tell now- mostly just in her slimmer face and not as chubby legs. Her hair is still longer but Anna is quickly catching up! We usually put her pony tail in a bubble pony so people can remember "Brynn Bubble". 


Anna has always been our sweetheart and melts our hearts with her smile. She surprised us when she was the go getter at daycare- being loud with the bigger kids, walking full time, never wanting to miss out on the action. She is definitely more go with the flow and will be more content to play by herself or be patient when its not her turn. She's always been a bit bigger than Brynn and hit her large motor milestones a bit faster than her sister. It is so funny to me how I still remember the way they were in my tummy and how they still are a lot the same now even a year later- Anna always content and Brynn a crazy baby on the monitors. 

Anna, Brynn

Both girls are awesome eaters and their favorite foods are cheerios, fruit, baby puffs (cheetos) and freeze dried yogurt bits. Its funny to watch them snatch up the food they like quickly from their trays! They love to play and are in a phase where they like to put things in other things, stack items, move toys from place to place. They are always walking around the whole house and are very curious as to what is behind each and every cabinet door. Lately their favorite things to play with are the pot lids (very noisy!) or the soft sided coozies. If anything can be dumped out, they will dump it out and have a ball with it. As you have probably guessed, my house is usually a mess but I just go with it and not let it bother me because even if I put everything away it will just get out again (I did sort through the toys and put some away in storage and that seems to help a bit). They are busy girls and are so fun to watch toddle around and interact with each other. I just wonder what is going on in their little minds and what they are saying to each other when they are babbling back and forth. 

Brynn, Anna- one day old!

It is so funny to me to look back at their teeny tiny photos and still see their personalities- look at Anna sleeping so contently and Brynn being fussy with her blanket and not wanting to sleep. It seems like an entire lifetime ago that they were so tiny but yet it seems like yesterday all in the same breath. They were so tiny and fragile and required so much care those first months. Now they are big girls and always so happy, content to play with each other and can do lots of things on their own. 

I tried not to imagine the future too much when I was pregnant, probably as some sort of self preservation coping method but who knows (feel free to analyze me), but I did occasionally wonder what it would be like when the girls were two cute toddlers who looked just alike. I could picture it in my mind: two sweet, blonde girls with chubby cheeks and dimples who would sit right by each other and smile sweetly. Every day I look at Anna and Brynn and I remember those daydreams and just think that my life is a dream come true. It is so true the way the saying goes....we made a wish and TWO came true! We are thankful every day for the grace of God and the two precious gifts he has given us. 

Happy birthday girls! We love you to the moon and back! 

Professional photos by April and August Photography, his and hers photography and Bella Baby


  1. They most certainly are beautiful dreams come true. <3 Happy first birthday!

  2. Oh your rainbow babies are too much cute. Congrats on the first year! I always think that first birthday, you are celebrating yourself just as much as you are celebrating the birthday child.
    Love their azalea headbands!


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