Monday, December 19, 2011

Cantata Weekend

This past weekend was the big Christmas Cantata at my church. The orchestra played at 5 services over the weekend and today I am physically and emotionally drained. It was an awesome weekend, but it was hard to play the music, concentrate, and keep it all together at the same time.

One of my favorite parts of the service was this little boy who sang during offering. The lyrics of his song were:

I'm a little baby boy
Sent to bring you joy
I'm a little baby boy
who will bring peace on earth.

I had a unique vantage point from being seated on the stage and at every service there was not a dry eye in the crowd. It was really special to watch, especially all the men who were trying to pretend like they weren't crying. It was pretty powerful.

(photos credit)

The Cantata this year had a message about the journey to Bethlehem and how Mary and Joseph (and us) need to keep on the journey even at times when we can't see God or our faith is tested. It really rung true for me and the words that the choir sang have been placed in my heart this Christmas. I have mentioned this before, but just the image of a sweet little innocent baby being born really hits me harder than it has in previous years. What could a tiny baby do? Well... a lot. Babies change the world. I kept thinking how I would totally travel to Bethlehem and bring the mother Mary a lasagna and visit the baby Jesus if I lived 2,000 years ago. :o)

In all seriousness, this is one of my favorite weekends to participate in as a musician. There is something special about listening to a great concert but there is something even more special about making the music and pouring your heart into it. I felt like even though it is hard for me to keep playing, it is something I can do for Trace. Even though performing a concert may seem the like opposite idea of healing for some people, for me it was the right thing to do. During the final performance I really felt a connection to something that was larger than I am...whether it was Trace's spirit or God's or both but I felt it.

Lead us to a place
Guide us with Your grace
To a place where we'll be safe

--"The Prayer"

The whole weekend was a reminder about what Christmas is all about and I hope this peace continues for not only me but for all of you as we really start to get into the heart of things now that the big day is right around the corner. Hopefully you can get all the things on your lists checked off and spend time with your loved ones. :o)

1 comment:

  1. One of my religion prof's in college used to always say, "I always find it amazing that God answered people's prayers by sending a baby." I have remembered that numerous times reading your posts.


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