I've been trying to keep my camera in easy reach so I can grab it and click away when I see a cute moment happening with my girls lately. They are so busy and it seems like is never ending keeping up with them- what am I even doing? It seems like my days are spent breaking up squabbles, finding snacks/drinks, picking up the floor, putting away toys, trying to generally keep the house from burning down...but these are little glimpses into this stage which I think capture the girls perfectly!

Brynn above, Anna below

Racing laundry baskets is a favorite activity of the girls, usually what keeps them busy while I trying to do a week's worth of laundry on Saturday morning. It never fails to entertain them!

Of course we have lots of squabbles, most are started and ended in a matter of seconds. It would take me all my fingers and toes to count how many we go through each day!

Back to being ornery in no time!

I love the above shot- so common every day with both girls in their jammies, milk cups, snack cups and bunnies in their hands.

Anna, where is your eye? Where is your nose?

Brynn has the funniest two little bottom bunny teeth. They are so cute! Anna has three teeth on bottom!

Was it good, Anna?

The girls are going through a stink where they do NOT like bathtime and it is torturous for everyone involved. Luckily the girls are loving playing outside in the water table, hose and sprinkler so hopefully things will turn around otherwise we'll just be hosing them off nightly before coming inside. :o)

A few of big brother- a rare nap on the couch!

We are one week into summer break already and I can already feel us sliding into our groove. I think it is going to be a great summer and I have already loved just being home all day with my kids. It is a struggle to find a minute to myself to sit down at the computer and blog but I will try to squeeze in in somewhere! Thanks for stopping by!
love this rose. Little sisters are adorable, and so is big brother. love how you dress the girls alike-- i would to if I had twins! -LH