Anna and Brynn turned two years old on September 10th! 

Two is turning out to be lots of fun for the girls- they are always on the move and love being where the action is. They are sweet girls who love to hug and kiss but can also be feisty when they don't get their way. Their favorites are apple sauce (app-SAUCE), apple juice (app-UICE), cookies, candy (can-NEE) and fruit of all kinds. They love playing with their baby dolls and pretending to be little mommies. Anything that they think is naughty is extra fun to them- coloring on the walls, hiding in the pantry eating candy, hiding in the laundry room going through mom's purse, etc etc. They love being outside (ou-SIDE) and are very fast runners!

I did a lot of thinking back to the anticipation we had before they were born (thanks to daily reminders from time hop app!) and it was fun to relive those memories. Getting the girls to their birth date on time will probably be one of my life's biggest accomplishments. It was hard work and there was never a minute I wasn't thankful for a healthy pregnancy. I never really allowed myself to daydream about the what ifs, even the good ones, because I was so worried about all the bad what ifs that could happen. It was obviously a method of self preservation but I could focus on getting the girls to their birth date and then I would deal with what came after (what if they weren't ok? what if they got sick? what if we had to spend a lot of time in the nicu and they couldn't come home with us?) and so I feel like I can never say this is exactly how I imagined it would be. Every day is truly a surprise and I think that is such a blessing. I would sometimes allow myself to wonder what it would be like to feel four chubby little arms and hands giving me a hug and it is every bit as good as I imagined. :o)

So we celebrated!
We had a party the weekend after their actual birthday since their actual birthday was on the same day as the Iowa/Iowa State game and Scott was there. I had a lovely day with all the kids where we went to the Pufferbilly day parade in Boone with friends, had lunch and ice cream at Hickory Park in Ames and then came home and watched the Jungle Book with all the kids. It was the perfect day of doing nothing but spending it with my family! I will have to update that in another post with my instas.
At the time, it seemed like a little much to have a party since things are so hectic with school and life at the moment but now looking back, I am glad I did it. I couldn't have done it without my mom's help who took the kids out for a few hours while I prepped the house and food before the party. It was a lifesaver! Have two two year olds means there is never a moment where you have free hands or a clean floor. I do think it is important to take time to celebrate life's events...isn't this what it is all about? I'm always up for a good excuse to get together!

We kept it simple with pork loin sandwiches, crockpot cheesy potatoes, beans, fruit salad, and a veggie tray. Cupcakes were from HyVee and were very good!

Both girls looking at the camera.

Anna smiles!

A little Brynn smile? (remember- it is a golden unicorn to have all three happen in one photo!)

Mommy's girls. I have a friend who is a twin on her birthday her mom posted a photo of when her and her sister turned two and said, "I would give the world to have one more day with you two at this age" and that really stuck with me. I realize how fleeting this time is and I just want to bottle it up forever. The girls are so sweet and despite the craziness they ensue, it is so worth it and we are incredibly blessed.

Anna blew her little candle out in one swift puff- I think we have a flute player on our hands! :o)

(girls just licked the frosting off their cupcakes!)

New twin baby dolls for the twins- they are the perfect size for the girls and they love playing with them every day.

I think that wraps it up for us- thanks for stopping by!
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