I got my real camera out and took some photos of the girls while they were playing a few Saturdays ago. These mornings of just being at home and together are so precious and are some of my favorite.
We are definitely in the routine of having cranky kids who want to eat supper the minute they walk in the door after getting home, and then its crankiness until our early bedtime. I have come to accept this weeknight routine and we are doing our best by dropping everything, getting quick meals on the table (like super quick-any amount of prep is too much or not worth the tears and small children clinging to me while trying to get it ready) and then spending some quality time with kids before getting them in bed. It is working and we do feel like we get to spend good time with them, but I also love it when I get to see them be their happy, cheerful selves on a weekend morning. I know this is just a phase in life and we are making it work.
The girls are really into saying cheese when they see me with a camera. They also like to play with their pretend phone or anything else that looks electronic and play taking pictures of each other.
When you have twins, you really do need two of everything. Exactly two of the same thing. These strollers are always a cause for a fight because they are different. We only had one for a while and had to keep it hidden because it was such an issue for fights. Luckily, we figured out how to solve that problem! :o)
They are such good little mommies. They love to take care of their babies and pretend each other are babies. It involves an elaborate bedtime routine of specially covering the person up with a blanket, a lot of very rough patting on the back (not sure where they get this at?), a kiss dropped on the forhead, and a bunny placed right by their cheek.
Brynn is a master at the stinker face. Anna is a master at the pouty face (yet to be captured on camera!).
I sure do love these kids! Thanks for stopping by!
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